Staff Directory
Tri-Town Central Offices
Superintendent of Schools
Melissa Wilcox, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
Kim Read, Administrative Assistant
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
Cheryl Almeida, Accounts Payable
Ellen Camacho, Payroll and Grants Coordinator
Michelle Charette, Account Payable
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Cris Salvador, Administrative Assistant
Early Childhood Coordinator
Staff Directory
Michael S. Nelson, M.Ed.
Welcome to the Old Rochester and Massachusetts Superintendency Union #55 School Districts website. The purpose of this site is to communicate timely and relevant information about the schools in Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester to all stakeholders. Please take some time to explore the many sections of the website and return often as information is constantly being updated. If you are unable to find an event, a program, or other information, please reach out to the Superintendent's office or one of our schools. Enjoy your visits to our website. There, we know you will see our continuous efforts to engage all community members to inspire our Tri- Town students "to think, to learn, and to care."