ORR TTEF Board of Directors
Grant & Award Cycle for School Year 2024-2025
Doreen Lopes, Chairperson
Margaret McSweeny, Vice-Chairperson
Barbara Moody, Secretary/Grant Distribution Committee Co-Chair (Marion)
Paula Meere, Treasurer/Grant Distribution Committee Co-Chair (Rochester)
Kathy Ecklund, Community Member/Grant Distribution Cmte. Chair Emeritus (Mattapoisett)
Michael Nelson, Superintendent
Mike Devoll, Administration Representative
Nichole Daniel, Marion School Committee Representative
Amanda Hastings, Mattapoisett School Committee Representative
Margaret McSweeny, ORR School Committee Representative
Robin Rounseville, Rochester School Committee Representative
Nina Pierre, Student Representative (ORRHS Class of '26)
Bev Ciaburri, Community Member, Rochester
Jane Taylor, Community Member, Rochester
Erin Bednarczyk, Member at Large
VACANT - Community Member, Marion
VACANT - Community Member, Marion
VACANT - Community Member, Mattapoisett
VACANT - Community Member, Mattapoisett