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Community-Based Programs

Tri-Town offers 2 school based preschool programs which follow the school calendar.

The Tri-Town Early Childhood Program is located at the ORRHS, serves children aged 2.9-5 primarily from the Tri-Town, and has 2, 3, and 5 day programs. All efforts are made to create a well-balanced class based on age, residency, and gender. For more information, contact Janet Gauvin at 508-758-3745 ext. 1908.

The Project Grow program offered to Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester, aged 3 to 5 years, and is held at the elementary school of the town in which the family resides. Children must be 3 years of age prior to September 1 and must be no older than 5 years of age before September 1. Project Grow is an integrated learning environment - 51% of the children enrolled meet the criteria of typically developing and 49% of the children enrolled are on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) varying in different levels of service. Classes are held from 9am to 1pm either on Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday. The Project Grow application selection process is a blind process. All identifying information is obscured per Old Rochester Regional School District's policy. Selection is based on the following criteria in no particular order: considered educationally at risk, no preschool experience, family income, age, and gender. All efforts are made to create a well balanced class. Online applications are available in January on Old Rochester District's main page.

Questions? Contact Doreen Lopes - Early Childhood Education Coordinator at 508-748-1863 or via email. Or, call the District Office at 508-758-2772 ext. 1942. Doreen can also assist you with questions regarding ORR District Preschool screening for ages 3-4 and Early Intervention screening providers for babies/toddlers.

Community-Based Child Care Providers


Doreen Lopes

Doreen Lopes

Early Childhood Coordinator

*Please note that most community based facilities offer Preschool Programs. In addition, Long Plain Nursery School (508-763-3063), St Francis Xavier School (508-995-4313) in Acushnet and Best Friends Learning Center in Wareham (774-678-2057) offer Preschool Programs.