Chapter 74 Early Childhood Education
Old Rochester Regional High School is proud to announce the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education approval of the Early Childhood and Care Chapter 74 program. ORRHS is excited to offer this opportunity for students to explore career training in the field of Early Education and Care. All approved Early Education and Care programs are “based on the applicable Vocational and Technical Educational Frameworks and the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks” according to Vocational Technical Education Regulations 603 CMR 4.03(4)
With Chapter 74 approval status high school students that enroll in the program will have the opportunity for Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) Teacher certification and obtain college credits in Child Growth and Development through Bristol Community College. Students typically enrolled in this Early Education and Care program are aspiring teachers, child development specialist, pediatric nurse or doctor. Many EEC students continue on to higher education with a leg up on practical experience and course work requirements.
In order to confirm your enrollment in the Chapter 74 Program, students must complete an online application. Our faculty will be meeting with each student to discuss the application process and requirements of documentation of hours and course requirements. We look forward to this opportunity for our students.